Articles found for:
" Profit"


The Commission Report

The Commission Report Review The Commission Report income system is from Coach Brendan and Member Builders and is found at In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just another big-ticket pyramid scheme of a scam.   Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   The income statements, cash, or checks you saw in the videos are definitely not typical of what members see after …


Next Job at Home

Next Job At Home Review by David Harris Next Job at Home found at and owned by NGM Media LLC and Isaac Klein, is a fairly new company set up to supposedly help you find telecommuting jobs. It is free to register on the actual website.   David’s #1 income earner… You have to check this out!   The jobs, however, are another issue altogether. On one hand, there are so many complaints about Next Job at Home that …


EZ Wealth Solution

EZ Wealth Solution Review EZ Wealth Solution by Ron Walsh and found at is an internet marketing software program. It’s widely denounced as a ‘new age Ponzi scheme’, which tells you right away it’s highly dubious by nature.   Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   Even its own reps are hesitant to promote the, for lack of a better term, “products”. The mountains of complaints and angry letters registered online were inundating, to say the least. …


Rebate Processor

Rebate Processor Review Rebate Processor by Debbie Teague and Andrew Gaswint is found at It’s just another rebate processing scam, as old as the internet, in a new package contrived to lure people looking to work from home. It has its fair share of complaints. Rebate Processor claims that it places want- to process rebates for their third-party companies. However, they charge a fee to join, also claiming the fee is to discourage those who are not serious. RebateProcessor …


Smart Cash System

Smart Cash System Scam Review The Smart Cash System HYIP program is by Tom Wilson and found at It’s an HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) in the guise of an online home business system dealing in Forex trading and gambling with several caveats to watch out for. The program is a Clickbank product and is also sold through paydotcom, which has raised a few eyebrows including ours as to why they would do that. Paydotcom is a story for …


Mystery Shopper Employment Agency

Mystery Shopper Employment Agency Review Mystery Shopper Employment Agency is by Karen Somers and is found at It’s a company that charges you a fee to join to get access to their database of mystery shopping companies that recruit people to evaluate other companies and products anonymously or undercover. This type of income opportunity is one of the most well-known that’s used by scammers and con-men to rip people off. Even my next-door neighbor, knowing what I do, asked …


Work At Home Digital

Work At Home Digital Review Work At Home Digital found at is from Michelle Starr is one of the many rotten schemes we uncover here by the dozens. By this point, you should be familiar with the signs: the as seen on promo citing news channels’ logos; that ‘single mom’ making thousands per month for half an hour a day’s effort. Etc. Only the one running this scam makes any money here. Sad to say, it won’t be you …


Click Cash Commissions

Click Cash Commissions Review Click Cash Commissions by Jessica James and Mike Auton and found at It’s an affiliate marketing training program that promises nothing more unusual or special than any other system out there. The training provides is not a complete package. It’s very basic and, the methods they teach are useless, especially the outdated Facebook and other social media tips. Click Cash Commissions also claims that their system of attaining traffic through paid is revolutionary. DISCLAIMER: …


Proven Wealth System

Proven Wealth System Review The Proven Wealth System income opportunity is from Coach Dan and Member Builders and is found at Coach Dan is selling a very similar program to several businesses I’ve already reviewed here before. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just another big-ticket pyramid scheme full of complaints. The income statements, cash, or checks you saw in the videos are definitely …


Your Prosper Team

Your Prosper Team Review The Your Prosper Team income opportunity is from Coach Terry and Member Builders and is found at Coach Terry is selling a very similar program to several businesses I’ve already reviewed here before. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just another big-ticket pyramid scheme full of complaints. The income statements, cash, or checks you saw in the videos are definitely …
