About Us

Hi! My name is David Harris, I’m the owner of ScamXposer.

I’ve been in internet marketing since 1999, over 24 years now.

Just like you, through trial and error, I’ve had my fair share of lost money ‘scams’ and broken promises.

It seemed like one after another!

All I’ve ever wanted was a fighting chance at making money online so I could spend more time with my two young kids instead of having to battle the daily rush hour traffic.

All I’ve ever wanted was a fighting chance at making money online so I could spend more time with my two young kids instead of having to battle the daily rush hour traffic.

I have since been making a very good living online and have also decided to use my experience and expertise to help other people.

Since I have tried and tested literally thousands of programs over the years.

I have decided to set up this website, ScamXposer, as a free resource for you, my visitor.

As a serviceman during the Desert Storm era of 4 years, I was instilled with loyalty for my fellow soldiers.

And I feel a sense of loyalty to you who are in the “foxholes” of internet marketing with me.

Every review you read here is a result of considerable testing, especially those businesses I recommend.

The concept is simple.

If I’m able to make money with a marketing system, I pass the recommendation on to you through my Recommended Businesses Reviews.

If it is a scam, or is not exactly a winner or far from it, I call it out for what it is, either a Scam Review or a Businesses Not Recommended Review.

A ‘not recommended’ review could mean it’s not necessarily a scam, but something you might not make much money at.

There are so many scams in the online home business industry and we work tirelessly to expose the ones we can as soon as we can.

Neither I nor anyone at ScamXposer is paid by any of the businesses we recommend in order to promote them falsely.

We do not take bribes from scammers, therefore what you read is totally unbiased and researched material.

The businesses in our reviews are carefully researched and tested.

It is that simple.

I wish you much success and happiness!

– David