Articles found for:
"Ann Sieg"


Work At Home United

Work At Home United Review The Work At Home United promotional site is from Lance Smith & Michelle Smith and is found at, they are an online marketing company. Is this just another MLM marketing system full of complaints? The WAHU marketing funnel they created represents and sells the MLM business opportunity named Melaleuca. It’s a multi-level network marketing company that sells health and cleansing products. As well as recruits marketers to sell the same exact thing. Work At …


Ambit Energy

Ambit Energy Review The MLM income opportunity Ambit Energy is from Jere Thompson is found at It’s a multi-level marketing-based energy company that focuses on recruitment as its larger source of revenue than making revenue by providing a quality service. AmbitEnergy is based out of Texas and provides service in that particular area, though they have salespeople nationally. Very problematic issues include false claims that Ambit Energy is backed by Shell Oil. Shell killed that notion quickly. There are …



Jeunesse Global MLM Review Jeunesse Global Holdings LLC is from Wendy Lewis and Randy Ray and found at, it’s a health and beauty aid company. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just a pyramid scheme full of complaints. It uses MLM (multi-level marketing) as its core business marketing and distribution model. In other words, Jeunesse Global distributors are encouraged to recruit as many people for …


The Elevation Group

The Elevation Group Review The Elevation Group, oftentimes called EVG, is a global membership site that is another brainchild of highly successful Internet marketer and entrepreneur Brian Fouts.  ##### EVG is no longer available. ##### Brian Fouts is an American investor, entrepreneur, and self-professed champion of the middle class.   Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   Before that, he was a construction worker. After he was wiped out by the market crash of 2009, he went on …


Survey Monster

Survey Monster Review Survey Monster found at is a get paid to take surveys site. This is to say it’s more of a portal that advertises their 3rd party clients’ survey sites you go to in order to take their surveys. As Survey Monster states in their disclaimers – always read disclaimers – there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using their system. I will tell you why that is, even though they leave that part …



SurveySay Review is a get paid to take surveys website for a market research business that serves as a middleman for other companies looking for consumer opinions. In this review, we aim to find out if they are legitimate or not. However, there are more complaints about Survey Say than most survey sites I run across.   Here’s what Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   There are fundamental problems with most “get paid to take surveys” sites, and …



Shaklee MLM Review The home-based income opportunity is from Roger Barnett. They are a health and beauty aids company that uses multi-level marketing as its model for distribution, sales, and promotions. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales company or a pyramid scheme. As we always say MLM is seldom recommended here, and the Shaklee MLM business is no exception. That being said, Shaklee does have decent products and has been …



USANA Health Sciences MLM Review is from Dr. Myron Wentz and is an multi-level marketing / MLM business that is just this side of a pyramid scheme, according to the IRS. So, is the UsanaHealthSciences direct sales MLM income opportunity actually a pyramid scheme? That’s what we’re about to find out in this review. There are so many complaints registered online about this business that there are even dedicated watchdog sites just for exposing their unsavory business practices. Since …



Amway MLM Review Amway by Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel is the mother of all MLMs, which is one way of putting it. This network marketing business has been around longer than any other MLM business opportunity both on and offline. They started up way, way back in 1959 in Ada Township, MI. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just a pyramid scheme of a …



LegalShield Review The Multi-Level Marketing business was founded by Harland Stonecipher and is formally known as Prepaid Legal Services. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales MLM home business income opportunity or just a pyramid scheme. Those of you that read our reviews regularly know our view on multi-level marketing / MLM businesses. Yup, we’re not a big fan of them. Legal Shield sells legal aid packages as its core products. …
