Business Review

Ambit Energy

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Multi-Level Marketing
Skill Level Needed: N/A
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

Ambit Energy Review

The MLM income opportunity Ambit Energy is from Jere Thompson is found at

It’s a multi-level marketing-based energy company that focuses on recruitment as its larger source of revenue than making revenue by providing a quality service.

AmbitEnergy is based out of Texas and provides service in that particular area, though they have salespeople nationally.

Very problematic issues include false claims that Ambit Energy is backed by Shell Oil.

Shell killed that notion quickly.

There are numerous complaints and allegations of customers being double-billed.

These include a federal investigation into the company and several lawsuits including one for a billion dollars.


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However, I will focus on the questionable sales model and other problems aside.

By questionable, I mean to say that the ratio of success by the top team that has been there from the beginning to the success rate by those at the bottom is not encouraging.

That is, to say the least, and that is the usual story of almost all MLM-based businesses I’ve reviewed.

Ambit Energy’s MLM compensation plan is no different.

There are those who say they are involved in only selling the energy service packages directly to consumers through the affiliate plan.

These distributors also say that while they find it’s a more lucrative way of earning through Ambit Energy, the overhead is also considerably lower.


This Ambit Energy review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff in these reviews are purely opinions.

While I’m inclined to believe that may be the case, I know that 92% to 99% of the people involved in most MLMs do not enjoy much success at it.

Most lose far more than they will ever earn with a given endeavor.

The affiliate plan also eliminates the headache of having to recruit others that will have to recruit others as well.

In the case of Ambit Energy though, it is not the best of products one would want to stand behind.

This is because the majority of energy customers are not very satisfied with the service and billing practices.

Investing your time and money into Ambit Energy is a gamble, at best.

Many of these types of MLM don’t stay around for very long.

It doesn’t sound very appealing to struggle to build a downline only for it to disappear one day.

Without warning no less.


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This is not much of a surprise when you take into account that this company treats its energy customer base poorly.

I can think of a handful of companies just like Ambit Energy that have gone the way of the Dodo bird.

This is usually because the pyramid-like structure cannot sustain itself after a while.

Therefore you might see the high risks involved in doing business with Ambit Energy.

As much as I would love to call this a scam, they do actually provide a product or service.

But as shabby as that service may be, and as terrible as their MLM arm is, we just do not recommend doing this.

In my experience with MLM, it just doesn’t make any sense to put your time and money into Ambit Energy.

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By expert author David Harris.



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Ambit Energy   Ambit Energy review   Jere Thompson   electricity and natural gas services   energy company   Chris Chambless   multi level marketing   mlm   affiliate program   scam     

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One Comment/Review

Thank you for this review. My suspicions were confirmed. Maybe it’s not a pyramid, but it may as well be one.


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