Business Review


Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Multi-Level Marketing MLM
Skill Level Needed: N/A
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

4Life MLM Review

The 4Life MLM is from David and Bianca Lisonbee and is found at and is a multi-level marketing business venture.

In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate MLM or just a pyramid scheme full of complaints.

It comes with several caveats to watch out for, some of which I’ll report here.


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First and foremost, 4Life is an MLM also known as multi-level marketing.

We rarely if ever recommend any multi-level marketing company as a real way to earn any decent money.

That is unless you are positioned at the top 1% from the very beginning of the inception of the company.

But that would only help you, not your downline.

And definitely not anyone that comes into it years later like we have with the current situation.


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Then, take into consideration the amount of controversial press, complaints, and bad reviews making it even tougher.

These are over their claims that the 4-Life products are nothing more than milk and fruit juice with some vitamins thrown in for good measure.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

Yet they claim it practically cures cancer.

I can certainly understand that those types of gimmicks and false claims are hype used and needed by schemes like 4 Life to lure people in.

But I certainly don’t condone them.

It’s one of the reasons we are here to provide accurate information to our faithful readers.

There are no real findings by any scientific community that support any of the outrageous claims made by 4Life and its distributors.

the 4Life mlm review

So, you should be aware of this from the start.

In fact, even though I usually don’t give out links, I did find a good admonishment from government officials to the people that run this scheme.

It issued the 4-Life people a warning from the Maryland Public Health Service and the FDA to stop making unfounded hype statements that amount to lies and false advertisements.

At this point, I should also tell you that in their disclaimers, all the hype they tell you in the big print is disavowed in the small print.

This a tip-off that all is not well here.

Usually, another big tip-off to watch out for is the highly overpriced ticket items on the products that MLMs such as 4Life sell.

The fact is, most items sold via MLM have their equal counterparts available for a quarter of the price at any store if you look at the ingredients.

You are fortunate if you don’t get a recruitment call from one of their distributors.

As they are often aggressive, or worse, evangelical in their fervor to get you to attend the indoctrination-like meetings.

I imagine that the only good thing about being in an MLM is if you have someone in your life you are looking to get rid of.

They will run the other way as fast as possible when you mention it.

I have a nightmare where I am stuck in an elevator with a zealous witness, an Insurance Salesman, and an MLM distributor.

To paraphrase a good one I heard a while back, but you get my drift.

I cannot nor will I recommend 4Life as any kind of way of making money online from home… or anywhere else for that matter.

Because you will not only not make money but will lose money from buying the product samplers, investing in advertising, etc.

4Life is not actually stealing your money from your bank account without authorization so I can’t call it a scam.

But you will be tossing it down the pipes of your own volition if you join.

This is certainly not for any beginner that’s trying to start a legitimate home business.

That is… without having to recruit any family who will listen for more than a minute to your pitch.

Stay away from the 4Life MLM… for life.

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By expert author David Harris.



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4Life   4 Life   For Life   Bianca Lisonbee   David Lisonbee   MLM   Multi-Level Marketing   network marketing   MLM scheme   FDA warning   scam     

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2 Comments/Reviews

It’s proven that no one but the top 1% make any money with this pyramid scam. You are a liar and I do not think your hypothetical cousin made any cover of a millionaire nor does she has two offices and making her own product from doing the 4LIFE scam! Thanks for the review, I have had friends hammering me for months now to join, but I already use supplements from the Vitamin Shoppe that I have used for years and I am more than happy with them. These MLM people behave almost like a religious cult!

My cousin made the front cover of Millionaire’s Magazine from doing this business, she has two offices working and has met with people to create her own line of products now. I use to take the products and had great results. I guess if the shoe fits wear it.


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