Articles found for:
"99 ventures LTD"
ClickFairClickFair Review is from 99 Ventures LTD, is a Paid To Click (PTC) ad website. So, what is this all about and do they have a long list of complaints? We’ll get to that and more in this review. They will pay you to view their advertiser’s/publishers’ websites. Granted, the payout is very small and not anywhere near enough to make it a side job, but it can make you a little extra every month. You can also get … |
SuperPay.MeSuperPay.Me Review SuperPayMe by 99Ventures is found at and is a GPT, otherwise known as a “Get Paid To” website. So, is this legitimate or a scam full of complaints? This is what I aim to find out. You might earn a little extra in the way of rewards points and/or money through completing surveys, trial offers, etc. That is, if they don’t cancel your account arbitrarily, claiming fraud, just before you’ve accumulated enough to cash out. SuperPay.Me also … |