Business Review

Univox Community

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Paid Surveys
Skill Level Needed: N/A
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

Univox Community Review

Univox Community is found at and it is a paid survey site run by Market Cube.

Is this just another paid survey site full of complaints?

They are a market research company out of Virginia, U.S. and was created back in December 2011.


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Anyone from North America, the UK, India, and Singapore is allowed to participate in

Univox Community is free to register and they keep it really simple by inviting you to take their surveys in exchange for one payment method.

As in building points toward an Amazon gift card.

The site is also easy to navigate.

You just answer the basic personal data info and upon entry, you’re rewarded with 500 points to start with just for signing up.

You also get 120 points for answering their personal info questionnaire.

500 points amount to $5 in Amazon cash.

2500 points (or $25) is the minimum level needed to reach in order to be able to redeem your points for the $25 Amazon gift card.

Univox Community points do not expire during your time as an active member.

Their average surveys take anywhere between ten to fifteen minutes to complete once you finally get them.

They will specify in advance if any of them will take longer to complete than this.

When choosing not to participate in any surveys UnivoxCommunity invites you to do will not negatively affect your membership or standing with them.

One of the features I really like is that merchants will not contact you from outside the site.

Only the Univox Community contacts you to take any surveys.

Also, since they aggregate responses, you don’t need to worry about them sharing your personal, private data with anyone else.

The only way they share your info is if you share it on their public message boards.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

I gave it a good try to see how it works.

I did receive 620 points for joining and answering the personal info surveys upon signing up.

I’ve waited several weeks for an invitation to take a survey, and have not received one yet.

They mention on their public social media page that it takes at least a couple of weeks before you start receiving email invites to participate in a given survey.

I still haven’t received an email confirmation of registering yet either.

If it takes that long to get a first survey invite, and if it takes longer between surveys, my guess is that it may be a very long time before I see any rewards.

This certainly doesn’t seem like a way to make any kind of substantial income.


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Seems to me like it’s just a big waste of time.

Univox Community Surveys and its parent international consumer research group company is reputable with very few online complaints.

I don’t recommend you spend such a long time just to get a few rewards unless you like taking surveys every few weeks for so little in return.

I do not recommend UnivoxCommunity as I view it as just a complete waste of time and energy at best.

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