Business Review

Product Report Card

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Product Testing
Skill Level Needed: none
Income Potential: Gift Cards and cash
Recommended: No

Product Report Card Review

Product Report Card by SoftLayer Technologies Inc. is located in Denver, CO., and is found online at the website.

They are a product testing and evaluation service that offers consumer participation through product testing and trial offers.

In this review, we aim to find out if they are legitimate or not.

This website operates as a medium for consumers to be able to interact with the core company.

ProductReportCard reviews products and pays consumers for their honest opinions, reviews, and ratings of the products they use regularly.

Their methods of payment include PayPal, Amazon Gift Cards, or a check made into your name.


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The Product Report Card offer is free to join and is available worldwide in a free mobile app.

Although minors are allowed to participate, they are not allowed to receive their prepaid Visa cards.


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They limit memberships to only one member per household.

You get $3.00 just for filling out the personal information questionnaire after signing up for an account.

After much research, I’ve found that there are hardly any complaints lodged online about the Product Report Card offer.

They only have one keyword for the whole entire site so it’s not super easy to find unless that’s exactly what you’re searching for. strives to report unbiased reviews on products everyone buys on a regular basis.

They offer ways to make money by taking part in their studies.

Upon signing up, Product Report Card offers you tasks that correspond to the personal information you entered about yourself.

That is better than many sites that have you take random surveys and panels only to find out you don’t qualify halfway through.

Product Report Card Reviews monitors all incoming and outgoing payments internally.

This means they will deposit your earnings into an account on their site.

Also, they return your cashback in the account when your trial ends on products you buy to try out through the Product Report Card site.

Their credo includes realizing that user reviews are important to them.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

This is because it’s consumers’ views that help make a product more successful than expert advertising in many cases.

ProductReportCard gives consumers a chance to evaluate and air their views on the qualities both good and bad of products they try out.

It’s all done in a scientific way through questions that measure relevant criteria.

The only downside I experienced is waiting for a product that I would qualify for to earn some actual money.

Product Report Card trials for me were too infrequent, to say the least, but they are dependable in payouts and returns.

While it’s more than I can say for the majority of survey studies sites.

I don’t recommend as a way to make anything substantial though.

These types of offers don’t seem to be worth the trouble.

Update: Recently there have been a lot of complaints of people not getting paid and the company ignoring inquiries into member payments, not responding to emails, etc.

Because of this, I do not recommend as a viable income source.

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15 Comments/Reviews

I have been with this site for over a year and to date have made a little over $100, takes a while to get the required $25 for a payout so if you want quick cash this is not the way. But I have had a bad experience with them this past 6 weeks, I did a 2-week discussion board that is supposed to pay $250 & I have yet to get my incentive I have emailed them every week and no one replies. so when and if I ever get it I will be closing my account with them, it’s not worth the problems

I was directed to a known scammer site by Product Report Card. I was going to email the contact that was given (Mary Griffin) and the link came up as a 401 error. The link to the website also gives an error message. All the contact info is a dead end. There are many legit survey sites, but this is not one of them.

I have emailed them on issues and they will not respond. But when asked for a virtual visa as payout got no response and when contacted they finally mailed the check after verifying the address. But the check did arrive quickly and was cashed.
But they did put out a survey for a couple of panels that I joined and got paid 75.00 in two months. And just joined the second panel.

Michael Garrett on :

I recently did a survey and when I completed it, suddenly the survey closed and I was not able to get credit for the 15 mins I spent (wasted) answering questions. I tried several times to email them but the site kept coming up with a 404 Error. This is a scam survey company. Surveyors beware!

BEWARE. PRODUCT REPORT CARD IS A SCAM. I have been trying to get my first payment for many weeks after requesting payment. No customer service and the “Editor in Chief”, Mary Griffin is really a “Chief Scammer” DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS COMPANY.

I spent a lot of time answering surveys on this site, and three months later, they are still refusing to pay. Although they say they pay via PayPal, I’ve been told by some guy named Zak, that they send out checks, then told they would send out a prepaid debit card. The Bottom line… don’t waste your time, they will never pay you, and they will lie to you. And have several complaints with the BBB / Better Business Bureau. is nothing but a scam. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY.

Unsatisified on :

I was promised an extra payment of $5.00 if I uploaded pictures of my refrigerator. I did what was asked received an email saying thank you on 4/17 but still have not received credit on the site for the extra payment. I agree with that this site is not one to hold your breath on getting anything from.

I don’t know what is up with this company. I got an invitation for a 15 minute survey. It seemed to be a legit survey, mentioning various supplier companies in my special field of professional expertise and asking quite detailed questions about the decision-making process when we order tools and so forth yet nothing suspicious like account numbers were requested. I will say the survey took me more like an hour to complete, than 15 minutes.

I’m still waiting to see if I will get the promised $75 dollar reward… I thought originally that this must be another survey outfit I tried before but now operating under a new name. But when I go to their website and request a password change the promised email never comes.

Well, I guess they know my email address. I hope I do get the $75.

No matter what they send you regarding surveys, chances are you will not qualify. Even if you do, the rewards are not worth the time and effort. I recently agreed to try an in-home evaluation for a Dove product. The product did not arrive by the time it was supposed to. When I filled out the first survey, I had a choice as to whether I needed extra time to try it, and I clicked on “yes.” That is when the trouble started. Not only was I shut out of the survey, but I was also told that I clicked on “not willing to try” which is total BS! Complained to Mary & Lori, who oversee the surveys. I was told not to open a survey until I am finished using the product! Well, duh! What else should I do? DELETE! They sent them to ME! All for $2.50, too. Not about the money, it’s the feeling that I have been scammed and taken advantage of.

Thank you a bunch for sharing this with all folks you actually understand what you are speaking approximately!
Bookmarked. Please additionally talk over with my website =). We may have a hyperlink exchange contract among us.

They are the biggest fraud company, after you want to redeem your earned money, they ask for nonsense details and unwanted details that they do not have the authority to ask.

Gary Geller on :

They are a total scam. They’ve owed me a $26.00 check for nearly 4 months. Customer service does not exist. They ignore all correspondence.

Kathleen VanRijn on :

I did A survey for Product Reportcard on August 9, 2021, over the phone for Parkinson’s. I do surveys for companies to make some money because I have been waiting over 3 years for disability. I’ve been trying to contact them they won’t answer. This is so wrong to do to someone who’s sick. The payment is supposed to be $150.00 l told my story about Parkinson’s from the beginning to how I am now. I just would like to get paid. Kathleen


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