Business Review

National Wealth Center

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Affiliate Marketing
Skill Level Needed: Beginner to Intermediate
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

National Wealth Center Review

National Wealth Center by Peter Wolfing and found at, is a system for reselling network marketing products online.

It is set up for you to generate sales fast and simply.

Peter Wolfing has a lot of experience as a marketer.

His other previous successful online systems are still running and profitable to this day.

In fact, National Wealth Center itself has been around since March 2009.

This is not only a multi-level marketing system, but you can also sell the information products they support.

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The initial fee is $25 to join and it goes straight to your sponsor, not the program’s admin.

Then it’s $25 monthly plus $10 for hosting monthly.

You get the fee back if you get one person to join on the same day you join so your first referral pays your membership costs, as your 3rd referral also pays you.


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The second and fourth referrals pay your sponsor.

After the 4th it all goes to you.

As a National Wealth Center sponsor, you receive the same benefits as your sponsor did, from all your downline members.

Plus you get training from NationalWealthCenter too.

You only pay twenty-five dollars per month to keep your membership active.

It’s an important bonus that you also have immediate usage of the training products you will be selling.

Some of these include selling on eBay and building successful marketing websites.

You also get your own affiliate website to promote the products as a program and recruit more new members.

Your new members also get their own websites too as long as they become National Wealth Center affiliates.

National Wealth Center Website

National Wealth Center does not keep your money, and they say they make their revenue from the promotions.

They make it simple for you to make money as long as you stay active in recruiting new affiliates.

It is an easy program to run, but it does require you to keep recruiting new members to your downline constantly if you are to be successful.

If you are diligent and good at recruiting then it could be a lucrative business.

They call this type of affiliate marketing model a reverse two-up.

That means you get to break even with your first sale.

The products sold on the site are too numerous to list here.

You get a customizable landing page with all the products on display and your choice of autoresponders and scripted messages to place on the autoresponder you use.

National Wealth Center facilitates nightly conference calls four days a week so you can encourage your leads to check out and become prospects you can follow up with.

It is an effective tool for helping to close sales.

If you commit to generating ten downline members, two will go to your sponsor, while you get eight downline members.

As long as at least thirty percent of your members achieve actual results, you will see a decent return.

I say this is a good program to be part of if you really know how to recruit, sell and close to grow your team (which most people don’t).

I have seen very little to no negative feedback on the web about this program, and those really working on it are seeing at least real moderate success.

Again, that success depends not only on you constantly bringing in new people, but also on your downline working the program well too.

I suggest that you may even have to invest something towards advertising in order to expand.

National Wealth Center is not a scam, and it may just be one of the better, least expensive, and most popular systems out there.

However, I do need to repeat that you should really be a solid online marketer already and know what you’re doing, as well as knowing what to expect.

The products they provide for you to resell are stocked with good quality information worth more than what it’s priced at and the earning capability can be excellent.

I do have to say that for the price to join and stay, it beats a lot of programs available.

While this is not easy quick money, not much out there online is, but National Wealth Center> has a very good reputation among marketers.

After all of that, it is still an MLM business and MLM as a whole has a huge failure rate which is why I do not recommend NationalWealthCenter.

Thanks for reading our National Wealth Center review.

by David Harris | Update on January 11, 2023, at 10:57 AM CST:



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