Business Review


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Type of Business: Network Marketing
Skill Level Needed: N/A
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

GibLink Review

The GibLink opportunity is from Adam Bernard and is found at

It’s a troublesome affiliate marketing business opportunity company with a social networking website for internet marketers to gather and network.

Global Internet Business Link also claims it provides means to earn money when you join.

I say troublesome because, as I researched GibLink, I found massive volumes of angry users complaining in forums, griping in comment fields on negative reviews by the scores.

Almost everywhere I looked, generally lamented their impulsive decisions to jump into it without doing their due diligence.


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Listing even an eighth of these grievances would make this review so long it would be unreadable.

I really don’t want to get carpal tunnel writing a Tolstoy-long novel about this scam.

I will say that the general opinion of the majority is that GibLink and its scheming cohorts should be hauled off to court, if not jail itself.

In all fairness, I will proceed to give a brief description of what it is GibLink says they do before delving into any recriminations.

They claim paying members can earn money by sharing in site revenue, referring other members to the site and by different activities.

Earnings depend on the level of membership.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

That might possibly work only if others can enter the website they provide you with for a fee.

Not only do many of the members complain that the sites don’t function properly.

But if you complain publicly GibLink not only kicks you off their system.

But apparently tries to threaten you with legal proceedings on charges of libel, defamation, and whatever else they can throw at you.

Recently, GibLink shut down its own forum because there were so many user complaints that GibLink did not want people to share their unhappiness with each other on their own forum.

The majority of anger expressed deals with not only not getting paid for the work members do.

But unauthorized charges on their credit cards for no reason.

The irony of this is that it’s supposed to be a social networking site!

Complaints of a serious lack of customer support can also be thrown into the mix.

When you take into consideration all these problems and the numerous allegations of being a borderline Ponzi scheme you can probably guess we won’t be handing out recommendations to GibLink.

You would be correct.

We adamantly do not recommend the GibLink income opportunity.

Even though their website looks professional enough it is possible that it’s only a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

With so many people getting ripped off on income, questionable credit card charges, suppression of members’ attempts to share their negative experiences, and more.

It is no surprise we would go as far as calling GibLink a scam.

However, we have to go with not recommending GibLink, if only because some members have at least received 20% of what they put in.

It is a loss, but because they are paying something (little though it may be) back, GibLink is not a complete and total rip off, but why take the chance?

Just stay very away from it.

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