Business Review

Gano Excel

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Multi-Level Marketing
Skill Level Needed: Advanced
Income Potential: n/a
Recommended: No

Gano Excel MLM Review

Gano Excel is from Leow Soon Seng and is found at

In this article we’ll find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just a pyramid scheme full of complaints.

Those of you that visit regularly know our view of MLM businesses.


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Yup, we’re not a big fan of them and it would be a very rare exception if we did recommend one.

GanoExcel is a specialty gourmet coffee company with a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) business model used to recruit people to recruit others.

Gano Excel MLM Coffee Products

But our focus in this analysis is mainly on the network marketing aspect of any company that employs the MLM scheme to grow its numbers.

The coffee product Gano Excel sells separates itself from other coffees by mixing a mushroom called Ganoderma into the blend.

And this mushroom is claimed to have medicinal qualities.

Those with only slight side effects among those with allergies found by cancer research facilities and university studies.


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It’s diluted in the Gano Excel blend to make it safe to ingest.

But you might want to consult your physician just to be on the safe side.

It is a fungus after all.

That ends the section about the actual product.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

It has been well documented that joining the MLM arm of Gano Excel will not result in any substantial long-term earnings.

It makes sense, as almost all those who try to make it in the MLM industry fail at it fairly quickly.

The law of averages has been factored in as a 99% failure rate with product-based MLMs, and GanoExcel is no different.

Most multi-level marketing companies are, at their core, a method of making legal ways to launder investments.


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This is through a means of providing products for their pyramid-style business opportunities.

Meaning that companies like Gano Excel have you concentrate on recruiting as many people as possible.

And then they must recruit others in order for you to make money with it.

At the same time, GanoExcel will have you and your recruits buy their products continuously as everybody recruits others endlessly.

How they do this is with the top earners luring anybody they can into believing they will achieve the same results as them through embellished claims of income growth.

And often false advertising about the products.

So those who fall for the scheme spend more than they gain and eventually quit.

Thus the reason for recruiting more suckers into the business will also eventually drop out in disillusionment and frustration.

Incidentally, they have been admonished for serious violations of misbranding and exaggeration of claims of medicinal treatment of various illnesses by the FDA.

One CEO of GanoExcel has been sued by international governments for fraudulent misappropriation of funds and criminal conspiracy against the public.

At least once in its existence, Gano Excel has shut down operations in the US and Canada for reasons I won’t get into here.

When you take into account these and other issues including countless complaints.

And aggravations lodged publicly by unhappy members you can see that has its share of skeletons.

GE does have an auto-ship program that takes money from your bank account to send you more every month just like other coffee MLMs.

You will be locked in to buy their coffee product in order for your upline to keep making money.

If you were lucky enough to be a part of Gano Excel at the very top in the beginning then you will do very well on any MLM.

But by now you will most likely be at the very lean end of it.

Especially with the huge problem of sponsor shopping so prevalent in the industry.

Another red flag to watch out for is right on their site on the Comp Plan page which tells you nothing just like on their Compare compensation plan page.


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They pose a question, “How do I get paid” and their rather glib answer is, “What the heck is a compensation plan?”.

Well simply put, it’s the many ways you get paid at Gano Excel.

The cost of the actual product can be as high as up to 3 or 4 times the price of some coffee found in grocery stores.

It may or may not taste good and might or might not possibly be good for you but that is not our concern.

Even though it is not an actual scam, our issues with GanoExcel are its unsavory business practices.

And the multi-level marketing approach in particular.

For that reason, we will not be recommending the MLM as a way of earning a living or even a part-time income.

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By expert author David Harris.



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Gano Excel   Leow Soon Seng   ganoderma mushroom   gano coffee   multi level marketing   MLM   mlm   network marketing   scam     

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3 Comments/Reviews

I really like the way you put all the information here. I was looking for information online about this ganoderma thing and Gano Excel Canada, since in a WhatsApp chat I belong there is a girl who is selling this story of “healthy coffee” (even when it is supposed that Gano Excel is not allowed to sell in Canada???) and, clearly, to each person who manages to sell it, she immediately offers the option of “business” and joining the company. I don’t know the product, I don’t know if it’s really good or not. Probably it has some benefits to the health of people but I have already seen this type of sales model (in which I participated when I was young Sadly), and only let a lot of frustrations and debts. Thank you very much for your investigations, they are helpful.

I wish you would have given more details about why not work for Gano Excel, I’m a consumer of their products, and my parent raise me with values, and moral standards but never got involved. MLM until I use Gano excel product, I’m a diabetic, and Gano excel have to help me control my sugar level with their Ganoderma Lucidum products, it has helped me to the extreme that I have not developed any effects from this “silent death” condition I’m very happy that someone that care introduce me this product.

David Harris on :

First of all, we did NOT call Gano a scam. Hope you read the article. What we do not approve of is the MLM based business model as it has a 99% failure rate for too many reasons to mention here. A product may be well and good but if it has a poor marketing arm that’s what we go after, not the product itself unless it’s a really shoddy one.


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