Business Review

Freedom With Writing

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Online Writing Magazine
Skill Level Needed: Intermediate to Advanced
Income Potential: 3rd Party Client Pay Rates
Recommended: No

Freedom With Writing Review

Freedom With Writing by Jacob Jans is found at, they are a writers’ ezine, or internet electronic magazine publication.

FWW connects freelance writers to companies in need of written content services.

Freedom With Writing image is a little bit of a letdown in that they send you links to job sites that try to get journalists to write for free in hopes that you can eventually make money.


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That’s not my idea of a win win.

Freedom With Writing is more like an online writing magazine with articles and links to 3rd party clients you might be able to get work through.

FreedomWithWriting is free to subscribe.

But they don’t provide any actual jobs to speak of.

Just those links to some job sites that are nothing but content mills that most times pay less than $1 per article.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

Freedom With Writing is not much of a job board.

This is because they’re really just a middleman for pay-nothing sites like Freelancer and others that mainly want you to trend more than actually write.

Constant Content is, however, one of the sites that FreedomWithWriting will send you to.

But beware, Constant Content has very stringent rules as to what they will accept.

Often, many who submit works there are disqualified permanently by Constant Content if their articles continue to get rejected on a regular basis.

This makes sense as they get inundated with garbage content that is of no use to anyone.


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The Freedom With Writing service, of course, conveniently leaves out all of this information.

Quality content actually matters.

Then there are the low to no skill needed sites that you have to subscribe to which may sell your info to their 3rd party clients.

This just results in lots and lots of spam in your inbox so be sure to read their terms closely.

Having said that, does have interesting and sometimes valuable and informative articles on writing and writing-related topics.

There are 2 different camps divided on how they feel about

After much research, both camps’ arguments do have some merit.

On one hand, there are those who find the information on Freedom With Writing to be of some use.

And they have no problem with the small amount of money they get paid to write for their clients.

On the other hand, there are those who find the site lacking in the most important factor, which is the actual jobs themselves.

You’d think that that would be the most important factor… and it is.

This other camp feels the pay from Freedom With Writing’s 3rd party clients is so low that it can be somewhat counterproductive to work so much for such a small amount of compensation.

Either way, the owner of Freedom With Writing does state upfront that they are not the ones who provide the jobs…

Maybe they should change their name to “Middleman With Writing” as they don’t provide much value.

Just referral links to those who do.

While that can be a noble deed, it would be more substantial if Freedom With Writing’s vetting process could be more stringent towards the kind of work their clients offer to users looking for work.

As long as Freedom With Writing’s 3rd party job providers do not turn out to be spammers who want you to pay to join their sites in exchange for mountains of spam, this service is a valuable one.

Since it is free to join, I see no harm in signing up and trying it out for yourself…

Well, other than it will likely be a complete waste of time for you.

As long as you know that any work that comes to you comes from their clients and is subject to their compensation plans, terms, and rules and not Freedom With Writing’s own.

I highly doubt that you can make a living with the service Freedom With Writing provides but you might be able to rustle up some gas money or the like.

You really would be much better of doing content writing gigs on Fiverr or Upwork.

If you like to write for very little compensation in return, more like a hobby than a job, then Freedom With Writing might just be for you.

It is not a scam, in my opinion, but a complete waste of your time.

I do not recommend as a viable way of making a living from home.

This is the point of our company, to point you towards those business opportunities that you can actually earn decent money with from working online.

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Freedom With Writing   Freedom With Writing reviews   Jacob Jans   writing jobs   freelance writing   outsourcing   content     

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One Comment/Review

Hey David… Thanks for the review on “Freedom With Writing”. Very informative. I think I’ll pass, look through more of your reviews and try to find something closer to what I’m looking for. Thanks again… D.


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