Business Review

Digital Lead Investing

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Lead Investing
Skill Level Needed: Intermediate to Advanced
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

Digital Lead Investing Course Review

Digital Lead Investing is an online course created by Lucas Lee Tyson that is found at

In this review, we aim to find out if this lives up to the hype or if it’s just a massive waste of time and money that’s full of complaints.


Lucas Lee Tyson is a well-known digital marketer who is known for his internet marketing courses and programs.


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Also, his Digital Lead Investing program is a comprehensive 8-week course designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners increase their leads and sales.

Tyson’s program offers step-by-step guidance toward making the most of Digital Lead Investing.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

Throughout the course, Tyson shares his insights on topics such as choosing the right platform, strategy, and tactics to create leads, managing and tracking leads, optimizing lead-to-sale conversion rates, ROI, and more.

Digital Lead Investing Course Review

Tyson’s Digital Lead Investing program inside offers valuable resources and support.

The course is divided into 8 week-long sections, each covering a different aspect of DigitalLeadInvesting.

Tyson also provides his students with bonus digital marketing and lead generation resources such as books, videos, cheat sheets, and online resources.

The course also offers weekly live call-in Q&A sessions and a digital forum, where students can interact directly with Tyson and fellow students.

This is a great way to get feedback, ask questions, and receive advice.

On top of that, Tyson provides his students with a personal advisor and free lifetime membership to his Digital Lead Investing Academy.

Tyson’s DigitalLeadInvesting program includes comprehensive training videos, section-specific worksheets for students to complete, a comprehensive workbook, and much more.

He also provides a collection of resources such as lead generation cheat-sheets, video tutorials, eBooks, and access to an exclusive members-only Facebook group.


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In addition, Lucas also provides his students with access to an online marketplace where they can purchase tools and products to help them with their Digital Lead Investing.

This can be very helpful for those who are starting out or just want to learn more about the field before investing.

Tyson’s Growth Cave Course has helped many entrepreneurs and business owners increase their leads and make more money.


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And students report improved results in their lead generation efforts, higher ROI, and a better understanding of lead generation tactics.

Overall, students have found the course content to be helpful and highly informative.

They report that Tyson’s methods are easy to follow and that the course materials are well-organized and presented in an easy-to-understand format.


Lucas Lee Tyson’s Digital Lead Investing Course costs a sizable $1,500.

That includes lifetime access to the course, access to the digital marketplace, and 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.

Tyson also provides a 30-day money-back guarantee so you do have a way you can get your money back if you are not satisfied with the course. students report that Tyson and his team provide top-notch customer service and support.

They’re always available to answer questions and provide guidance to their students.

They are also known to keep up-to-date with the latest techniques, so if something changes in the DigitalLeadInvesting market, they will provide guidance on how to adjust accordingly.


  1. Comprehensive and well-organized training course.
  2. Step-by-step guidance on topics such as lead filtering, nurturing, and marketing.
  3. Access to the digital marketplace.
  4. Access to 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.
  5. 30-day money-back guarantee.


  1. At $1,500 plus for the course, it may be on the expensive side for many.
  2. Course content may be too advanced for some.
  3. Very long time between starting up with the comprehensive 8-week course and beginning to earn any income from what you’ve learned and implemented.


Overall, Tyson’s Digital Lead Investing course is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and business owners seeking to increase their leads and make more money. is a comprehensive course that provides step-by-step guidance on topics related to DigitalLeadInvesting.

And the course also comes with a collection of resources, a digital marketplace, and 1-on-1 mentoring sessions.

However, the course is rather expensive and the content may be much too advanced for many.

Lucas Lee Tyson’s Digital Lead Investing course is a comprehensive and well-organized program that provides entrepreneurs and business owners with step-by-step guidance on lead generation tactics.

The course comes with additional resources, a digital marketplace, 1-on-1 mentoring, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

However, it is a very expensive course and the content may be too advanced for many.

But overall, it is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to increase their leads and make more money.

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One Comment/Review

Randy Erickson on :

I was on the fence with this one. Thank you for your insight. I’ll be back. Randy


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