Business Review

Digital Generation

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Crowd Computing App
Skill Level Needed: none
Income Potential: $1 Daily Per Running Thread Per Computer
Recommended: No

Digital Generation Review

Digital Generation by Largo Assets LLP and found at

It is quite a controversial system that uses its software to manage unused CPU threading power on your computer for CPU pooling to earn you money.

So, another one full of complaints or worthwhile?



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It can be used to look for many uses including mining for bits of digital information that generate a type of relatively new currency called bitcoins, or digital coins.

The things your CPU could also help run for “Digital Generation – You Love Life” are scientific.

Such as bio-mechanics and satellite orbits’ calculations and much more.

Supposedly, when you register with Digital Generation and install and run their software, you can earn various amounts of currency for every thread you open.

Yes, I know, the techno-jargon is very difficult to follow for the average layman.

So I will do my best to boil it down to bite-size morsels.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

The whole process is mixed up with scientific stuff I can’t even begin to lay out for you.

However, to make it easy to understand, there is a bit of geek-speak I have to get through.


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That’s because there are some elements of this site that need to be understood with at least a basic understanding.

At the core of the technology it uses is the fact that you have to give them control of your computer.

In a manner of speaking their program uses power from the CPU to manipulate the processor usage to run other things in order to make you money.

I say money, but it is only in virtual, or cyber, related information.

This then translates into legal tender when Digital Generation transfers it into a bank account.

Their technology is constantly being worked on and I believe this type of coinage may be a part of everyone’s future way of banking.

But it’s not my place to discuss the new world order mumbo-jumbo here.

Just know that your payment amount is equal to the time that its program uses your computer each month.

You are paid out from the previous month’s usage.

The more thre used on your CPU the more you get paid.

Each running thread earns you a dollar a day, and there is additional income through their affiliate program.

There are a few concerns regarding Digital Generation – You Love Life.

Some of these include comparisons to their program being nothing more than “botware”, similar to Trojan viruses and such.

Some complain that their site description is too vague.

If you do your research well, there are other companies with scientific apps that tell you upfront what the CPU usage will be utilized for.

Things like finding new prime numbers, etc., and those labs will pay you too.

Legitimate laboratories always explain what your CPU is used for specifically.

And they show you how you need to use it to help them in their CPU pooling programs.

However, it’s not exactly certain just how it works in detail, which raises a little suspicion on my part.

Coin generation is still a young technology, and it could be that it has its share of scoundrels.

So it is best to be really careful when allowing anyone to have control of your computer.

Unless you dedicate one just for bitcoin mining usage or CPU pooling.

Digital Generation has a fair amount of negative press and complaints.

But they mostly deal with technology, and again, it’s not my place to get into a technical journal for the sake of this review.

One of them is that the program would have full access and control of your computer.

This means anyone with ulterior motives can spy on your own usage.

This leads to the next concern that it could be used as malware, spyware, botware, a trojan virus, and/or a keylogger program.

Those that can trace your passwords to your online bank accounts and social media profiles.

So far, experts have not found these evident during antivirus monitoring.

But that could mean no one has detected this technology’s bad uses yet.

Some other concerns brought up a concern with possible criminal activities.

Like scams such as money laundering, ID theft, spamming, and other illegal behavior.

There is no real way to tell what it might use your CPU usage for, really, other than crowd computing.

Lesser concerns include Digital Generation is only running this experiment for 10 years.

And also, you can only have one account set up for one program per computer.

If you have more than one computer at home on a network you can create other accounts.


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But you will have to buy on each account at least one Paid Thread.

That’s right, it will cost you to buy the program for each computer you put it on, and anything associated with running it.

Their last payout company, Payza, shut their account down, incidentally.

But other websites have had issues like that, so that’s no indication of wrongdoing as of yet.

I, along with others, cannot see how they could generate that much profit.

Just to dispense the kind of massive revenue payout they would need to do if large amounts of people joined in on their crowd computing experiment.

Bottom line, I would be very careful about signing up with Digital Generation just yet.

Lest you waste a bunch of money buying their system only to find it useless.

Or worse, getting a squad of feds in commando gear banging on your door in an early pre-dawn raid.

The last concern is that many people have complained about not getting paid.

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Digital Generation   DigitalGeneration   coin generation   bitcoin earnings   bitcoin mining   Digital Generation affiliate program   CPU pooling   crowd computing   scam     

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2 Comments/Reviews

They promising money that they never payback. I spend 120 euros for buying threads and they give me silly answers when i ask them for the payment. Also i see that they behave in the same manner with everyone asking for payout.

Gary Jones on :

I delight in, result in I discovered exactly what I was having a look for. You’ve ended my 4 day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye


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