Business Review

Creative Memories

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Multi-Level Marketing
Skill Level Needed: N/A
Income Potential: 30% Commissions on Sales
Recommended: No

Creative Memories MLM Review

Creative Memories is from Rhonda Anderson and Cheryl Lightle and is found online at

CreativeMemories is a multi-level marketing / MLM company that deals in selling scrap-booking supplies.

As well as getting members to recruit other people to distribute and recruit others into the Multi-Level Marketing business.


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While it would be rare for us to ever recommend getting involved in MLM to anyone, this would not be an exception for Creative Memories.

We generally don’t recommend MLM due to the extremely high failure rate of up to 99%.

Would you start a franchise business if you knew going in that there would be a 90% to 99% chance that you would not succeed with it?


I didn’t think so.

CreativeMemories does have a solid enough line of products, however.

creative memories mlm pic

Creative Memories did however file for bankruptcy several years ago and had to let go of quite a number of employees.

This may or may not affect how a CreativeMemories sales consultant may get paid in the future.

This is another reason why I caution getting involved with an MLM.

When they go out of business, you go out of business.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

But bankruptcy is never a very reassuring issue for engaging in business with those filing.

You are basically building Creative Memories’ business and are at their mercy because if they go out of business, like I said, so do you.

CreativeMemories has had its fair share of employee and distributor grievances and complaints.

Many, many complaints.

Yet those who use the product seem satisfied with the results they are getting.

To join as a salesperson, it costs about $200 for the kit, training, access to their website back office, and sales and marketing tools and materials.

Sales commissions are 30% on personal sales plus bonuses at certain higher levels.


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The basic scrapbooking software costs around $70 to the consumer and the scrapbooks and supplies have different pricing.

Since there are more honest comments from users of Creative Memories products and very few fake shill comments and posts.

I’ve seen that there are actually many happy customers.

As to MLM recruitment, it all depends on your ability to create a successful downline, which itself is an extremely difficult challenge.

I certainly don’t enjoy it when I am having to replace people that quit with still more people that end up quitting.

Scrapbooking companies like usually cater to women, so there is that issue to contend with a much more limited demographic.

You will have more success with direct selling yourself than dealing with multi-level marketing where this business is concerned.

Yes, it’s a good product but we don’t recommend getting involved with CreativeMemories as a downline MLM member or affiliate.

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By expert author David Harris.



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Creative Memories   Rhonda Anderson   Cheryl Lightle   Photo Cards   Photo Gifts   scrapbooks   scrapbooking   MLM   Network Marketing   Multi-Level Marketing  

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