Business Review

Cash Flow 101 System

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: High Ticket Money Game
Skill Level Needed: N/A
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

Cash Flow 101 System Review

The Cash Flow 101 System income opportunity is from Member Builders and is found at

So is this legitimate or just another scam with tons of complaints?

The income statements, cash, or checks you saw in the videos are definitely not typical of what members see after they join.


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Cash Flow 101 System is nothing more than a way over-priced pay-to-play money game that will likely leave you in massive debt.

I’m going to show you exactly what I mean by that in this review.

I will show you proof that the 43 products listed on their website are worth only a teeny tiny fraction of what the Cash Flow 101 System is charging for them.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

Most of these products are very old and outdated.

I found some that were written way back in 2010.

That’s something like 100 internet years ago. šŸ˜‰

This is probably why they never talk about the value of the products at any measure and what you can get out of them.


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There really just isn’t a whole lot of value to be had there.

They only talk about how much money you can make selling this program and that’s pretty much it.

Watch the videos again, where exactly are they talking about how great the products are?

Cash Flow 101 System video pic

If you can find them, please let me know.

Cash Flow 101 System is not a network marketing or MLM business so there are no levels or downlines to speak of.

I would actually count this as a positive but it’s one of a rare few with this so-called system.

There is no residual income or passive income component to this either…


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At least, not for you there isn’t.

However, the coaches are a different story as they get the orphaned commissions you and everyone else are not qualified to receive.

Although they say that they will close all of your sales for you, you will still need to get your own prospects or leads.

So… how exactly will you get leads or prospects for them to close for you?

This is, of course, not free either.

So this is much more additional debt that you will need to take on just to get this started.

They make sure not to talk about how much it will really cost you to make even one sale promoting this.

It’s not about how much you make, it’s only about how much you keep.

The lead or prospect generation is entirely up to you.

You can however purchase leads directly from Cash Flow 101 System from their advertising co-op for between $1.00 and $12.00 each.

That’s actually not that bad depending on the quality of the leads.

This is what most people that join end up having to do.

This might sound like a great deal, but they will not tell you where they are getting these leads from nor their quality.

Are these live leads created today or are they complete junk from 2012?

These could be very old leads… how do you know otherwise?

Who’s to say but them?

Most will assume it will be from the same advertising sources where you found out about this.

But that’s certainly not guaranteed.

I found out about this from a Youtube ad.

What is the actual quality of these leads?

Cash Flow 101 System doesn’t speak to any of this.

What will you have to spend in advertising costs just to get 1 sale at any level or amount?

What is the lead-to-conversion ratio like?

Is there some kind of guarantee for how many leads will turn into paying customers?

No, of course, there isn’t.

If you ask them about this they will tell you that no business can guarantee a lead-to-sales performance of any kind.

And they would be right.

Yet, how convenient for them when this all doesn’t work out for you.

They simply need to say, “this wasn’t guaranteed, sorry”.

“You probably need to spend even more on our traffic and leads to get a sale”.

You really need to know how much traffic will be required to make 1 sale. coaches get paid when you buy leads and when you finally make a sale.

I bet you didn’t consider any of this, did you?

Making $10,000 from this sounds great unless you have to spend $12,000 worth of leads to make it.

Again, it’s not about how much you make, it’s about how much you keep.

All of those commission checks CashFlow 101 System shows in their advertising leave that part out.

Where does Cash Flow 101 System talk about the costs involved in making those commission checks they keep showing you?

Keep in mind that this is all the while you are competing with those very same marketing veteran pros that are selling them same thing themselves.

Yes, these very same so-called coaches.

The same marketing professionals that are supposed to be closing all of these sales for you are also marketing this themselves.

You will have to rely on your coach to pay you all the proceeds from sales that you qualify for.

This is not something that you can check up on yourself as they are holding all of the cards.

Remember, they are the ONLY ones talking to YOUR prospects and telling them where they need to send the payments.

It’s already set up so that any sales above what you are qualified to receive will be going through them anyway.

Only then will they send you the lesser payment.

This is really set up as an unlicensed security because you are giving them money for the program and “products” but they are also marketing it for you and then sending you a check for the “difference”.

That would be without any involvement on your part aside from giving them your money (or investment).

The simplest definition of a security is “give me money and I’ll give you a return on that money” paid out over a period of time.

In case you didn’t know, unlicensed securities are illegal.

I don’t know how this is any different than that.

Now, what about these way overpriced products in the Cash Flow 101 System I mentioned at the beginning of this review?

For that kind of money, these should be the best available info products on the planet.

So where’s the value in these astronomically priced information products?

There really isn’t much of any.

There isn’t anyone buying these products outside of this system for the prices they are charging.

Absolutely no one!


100% Guaranteed.

This is because no one in their right mind would ever spend that kind of crazy money on those product packages.

That is… without being able to resell it for those way over-priced amounts themselves.

This is exactly what I mean about Cash Flow 101 System just being a pay-to-play money game.

The products are added simply as a formality to make what is doing legal… barely.

Here are the 4 product package levels and associated costs:

$3,000 Gold Level + $247 admin fee = $3,247

$7,000 Platinum Level + $447 admin fee = $7,447

$14,000 Diamond Level + $647 admin fee = $14,647

$21,000 Ultra Royal + $847 admin fee = $21,847

The sales that the success coach makes for you will pay you $1,500 up to $15,750 – 50% up to 75%.

Every one of Cash Flow 101 System’s products is actually only $7.99 at the Private Label Rights website

Here’s a sample of Cash Flow 101 System’s “high dollar” products…

The Total Ultra Royal Package Price is only $21,847.

LOL… “only” $21,847.

LOL… “Ultra Royal Package” sounds impressive & expensive šŸ˜‰

This is the first product listed in that Ultra Royal package:

“Viral Marketing Warrior”.

This is the image of this PLR product on the Cash Flow 101 System…

Cash Flow 101 System PLR Viral Marketing Warrior

This same product is retailed for $7.99 on PLR Products.

Go to and see for yourself.

Just do a search for “Viral Marketing Warrior” or any of the others listed along with it.

CashFlow 101 System PLR Products

The rest of the products listed on the Cash Flow 101 System are all $7.99 from PLR Products as well.

Go to and see for yourself.

Do a search on all of the product titles… they are all listed there.

I even found a lot of these same PLR products on other websites for only $5.00 each.

These PLR products all include reselling rights which is how Cash Flow 101 System got them to resale for themselves in the first place.

So, does it sound like good business sense to overpay by 10s of $1000s for the same products you can buy elsewhere for $5.00 to $7.99 each?


I didn’t think so.

Now back to what I said at the beginning of the review…

Those 43 products across all packages come out to a total of (43 X $7.99) and $343.57.

$343.57 !!!

So yes, that means you get $343.57 of value (or less) for $21,847.00 spent!

How much will you spend on advertising before you give up?






This is pretty much along the same lines as those gifting programs that give you nothing at all for your money.

Actually, some of the people behind those gifting programs decided to make their gifting programs “legal” by adding “products”.

And started up all of these low-value PLR product programs instead of another illegal gifting program.

But wait… there’s more…

If you act within 48 hours as an “Action Taker”…

Join at the $21,000 Level and earn 75% commissions instead of 50% commissions!



On top of all of this, they try to convince you to go into massive debt in order to join at the highest levels.

You will be instructed to get a bank loan and then send them a cashier’s check.

Cashier’s Check huh?

That’s so you would then have zero recourse when it comes time to get your money back.

You can’t do a chargeback on a Cashier’s Check… sorry.

Most members will never make anything, but they only show the ones that did… if that’s even true.

So, yeah.

Save yourself the hassle and a lot of money and have nothing to do with the Cash Flow 101 System or Member Builders.

This one is not technically a scam as it does have products and they do pay you something when you make a sale (maybe).

So after all of that, this one is listed as Not Recommended with a half-star rating.

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By expert author David Harris.



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Very informative and thought-provoking. I appreciate the deep dive.
Keep up the great work.


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