Business Review

Amplified Profits

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Leveraged Income Business
Skill Level Needed: None, For Beginners+
Income Potential: $5,000 to $24,500+ per Month
Recommended: No

Amplified Profits Review

by David Harris | Updated on February 24, 2022, at 11:02 AM:


I am now recommending Exitus Elite as a replacement for E1ULife and its marketing system, Amplified Profits.

Please visit my EE review here:

If you have any questions or concerns about this you can reach me here:
david[@] (remove the [ ])


Amplified Profits is from Michael Mansell.

This is found at is one of the best home based Internet income systems I’ve seen.

Amplified Profits is making average people, just like you and me, a very sizable monthly income, starting with the very first month in business.

I’m talking about people that have never done a home business, on or off the Internet, or anything outside of a regular 9 to 5 job.

That is now making anywhere from $5,000 to $24,500+ per month on a regular basis with this business opportunity.

All of the reasons why people fail to make money from home have been virtually eliminated here.

The top reason why people fail to make money from home is that they can’t find a consistent source of free or affordable quality sales leads that convert into an actual income.

Or other ways of getting consistent customers into their business.

Amplified Profits has taken care of this problem in a very big way.

They make sure you don’t have to figure out how to get traffic that converts into sales all on your own.

First, after joining this business opportunity, your referral link to your sales page, where and how you get sales and make money will be placed into a high converting traffic rotator.

A traffic rotator just means that a large amount of traffic is sent to one place and then the traffic is divided up amongst the people that are in rotation.

I would get 1 traffic hit, then you, then the person after you, and so on until it completes a full cycle and starts all over again.

The Traffic Rotator will automatically send 5-20+ high-converting clicks per day to your personal Amplified Profits referral link.

This one share of daily traffic of 5-20 clicks is free with your Amplified Profits membership.

Additional shares of traffic can be affordably purchased to get far, far more traffic to your business.

This is the only system I’ve found that’s doing this.

Your referral link will stay in the free traffic rotator month after month.

The sales you make from this free rotator traffic can potentially put you into profit very quickly.

So, as I said, there is also an optional, very affordable, very high-quality paid traffic rotator.

This is where you can get a much higher constant flow of even more leads into your system to further multiply your income.

This is all above and beyond what you get from the free traffic rotator.

Amplified Profits wants to do everything they can to ensure everyone that works with this system is very successful.

As you are making sales, you will want to work on getting your own sales aside from what will be given through the free or paid traffic rotators.

You will get access to Michael Mansell’s personal marketing site called AMP.

AMP is a paid service, but it comes at no cost for all Amplified Profits members.

This is a great deal for you to get this included at no extra cost to you.

You will have access to the Team’s private mentoring & coaching group from within this site.

And get access to other traffic and marketing secrets not made available to the general public.

This is a huge benefit of being on our team, in and of itself.

You will learn exactly how each of the Team’s leaders is generating over 100 TARGETED leads per day for their own businesses using ALL fresh free methods.

You will have access to a fully customized sales funnel with a lead capture page and other sales tools.

These will help to get you into profit quickly your first week in business.

Yes, this is all above and beyond what you will get from the free traffic rotator.

You won’t have to build your own products or website or marketing system as it’s all already done for you within the system.

There’re many other free traffic and income-producing benefits that this Team has as well.

When your new prospects go to your website, they will see the best income opportunity presentation ever devised.

It’s extremely compelling and high converting.

The system tracks your prospects as they go through your marketing system.

Letting you know when they have reached each milestone in the process.

All the way up to the prospect joining you and sending payment.

Most of the people that join and pay me are doing so without calling or emailing first.

They are just going through the system as it’s intended and sales are happening.

That’s the first time that’s happened for me in an online referral business.

If you do get a Facebook PM or call from your new, interested prospects, they will already be pre-sold on this business and be ready to make a purchase.

You will not have to “sell” them on anything yourself as that’s what the Amplified Profits marketing system is there to do for you.

The system, by design, is there to do all of this for you so you don’t have to.

This really is a “done for you” business in that respect.

It’s all self-explanatory as the step-by-step set-up videos are very thorough to get them set up and going very quickly.

This is absolutely the easiest business I have ever done.

It really is hands-free.

It truly lives up to its name.

Last, but definitely not least…

Real products you can believe in.

The business’ product packages are awesome and full of Internet marketing training videos among many, many other things.

And many other up-to-date and relevant web-based know-how you can’t get anywhere else.

These products have been very successfully sold for over 4 years and are constantly being updated.

If you feel overwhelmed by the technical side of doing business on the Internet, this will be the step-by-step, comprehensive income-generating marketing system you’ve been looking for.

And by the way, you will not have to sell any of this outside of the system’s packages.

It’s a complete business that’s ready to go.

It’s all a very well-put-together packaged deal that sells itself within the system.

You do not have to come up with your own products or website or marketing materials… or anything else.

All of that is already done with this completely “Done For You” system.

Thanks for reading our Amplified Profits review.

– David


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