Business Review


Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Multi-Level Marketing
Skill Level Needed: Intermediate to Advanced
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

ACN Inc MLM Review

ACN Inc MLM is found at and is an MLM business opportunity headquartered in North Carolina.

In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just a pyramid scheme.

Those of you that read our reviews know our view of MLM schemes, I mean, businesses.

Yup, we’re not a big fan of them.

Their business is telecommunications and real estate, but their main business model is Multi-Level Marketing.

ANC Inc MLM Products and Services

I first have to say that in my research on questionable internet companies and websites to review.


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It is growing increasingly difficult to find true and honest material for many of them.

There are thousands and thousands of complaints, negative reviews, and negative disgruntled customer comments filling the internet about the problematic issues surrounding ACN Inc.

I am not going to inundate you with everything I’ve found in this network marketing business.

Nor did I have the time to go over everything I found.

But I will touch on the recurring themes.

First I will start with what ACN Inc Opportunity actually is supposed to be in business for.

The day-to-day business handles includes internet, wireless, and digital phone service.

And also provides local & long-distance, cable television, home security, and utilities.

There are many complaints about some of these services and the way they treat their customers.

The other business they are involved in is multi-level marketing.

They have had at least one state’s Securities and Insurance Commissioner file an action against them.

It was resolved, but the alarming thing about it is that the violations were due to ACN Inc’s MLM reps’ misconduct.

The aggressiveness of the reps tends to border on hostility.

This type of behavior from independent salespeople plagues ACN Inc’s reputation more than its reputedly mediocre service.

The Multi-Level Marketing opportunity has registered complaints against them through the Better Business Bureau.


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In all fairness, ACNInc has resolved the majority of the grievances so the BBB can close the files, thereby giving ACN Inc an A rating.

However, the complaints and charges will continue long as continues to allow its reps to keep on being unscrupulous. is a high-ticket item MLM.

So, it is not surprising that the reps apply all the pressure they can on their friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family to sign up with them.

If they do get you, they sign you up as a rep and as a customer, which means you are then charged for materials and service.

If you wake up and realize what has happened and try to cancel…

You might find that you’re among the multitudes that keep on getting charged even after you thought you had canceled.

I can go on and on and on about all the transgressions I’ve found, but your time is valuable.

I’m sure you get it by now.

As a Multi-Level Marketing company, ACN Inc runs its downline like a cult of desperate aggressive weasels willing to rip off their loved ones.

You may have to resort to taking them to court for your money back, like many who had no other recourse.

As I mentioned earlier, there are companies you can pay to clean your web presence up, but somehow I’m not worried that this review will disappear.

But I hope it won’t get lost in the cast sea of complaints against

Ok, I’m almost at the end of my review and I’m sure you’re asking, “What about The Donald’s involvement?”

Well, ACN Inc is just one of many businesses that pay him to be a spokesperson.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

Believe me, they pay him an utterly ridiculously handsome fee.

Still, it’s only a brief summer in the Mediterranean for him.

Do not become a casualty in ACN Inc’s wake.

Stay as far away from this one even if your cousin gets mad at you for not signing under him or her.

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By expert author David Harris.



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ACN Inc   ACN Opportunity LLC   ACN   Telecommunication Services   Direct Selling   MLM   Network Marketing   Multi-Level Marketing   scam  

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