Business Review

Dot Com Secrets

Overall Rating: Overall Rating
Type of Business: Multi-Level Marketing Training Course
Skill Level Needed: N/A
Income Potential: N/A
Recommended: No

Dot Com Secrets Review

Dot Com Secrets by Russell Brunson and found at is an internet marketing training system.

While it does show you how to run your own online business, there are a number of red flags to watch out for.

First, I’m always wary of marketing sites that show off mansions, fancy cars, and yachts to lure you in.

A ton of complaints waiting to happen.

Real businesses that have their own websites don’t really need to use this ridiculous ploy.

This is not the way to get intelligent people excited about engaging in business with you.


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So it seems to me that it’s not those types of people that Dot Com Secrets is after.

Next, the problem with many operators of online marketing sites is that they often tout some secret miracle programs they found, after trying so many, that will change your life as it has theirs.

That is if only you spend a hundred dollars or so and then pay them a monthly membership fee for them to teach you how.

The problem with these techniques is that businesses like Dot Com Secrets seem to prey on those who may not be qualified enough to find a worthwhile job.

So they sell the idea that you too can be wealthy without having to work for it, which is not a reality I know of.


This review has been fully researched with information, comments, and testimonials that are available on the internet to anyone in the public space.

Any conclusions drawn by myself or anyone else on the ScamXposer staff are purely opinions.

The other issue I have with sites like Dot Com Secrets is when the owners post phony photo-shopped pics of how much they make on the site.

This overused and contrived gimmick is very easy to fabricate, and again, most real businesses never stoop so low.

Another big issue I have with Dot Com Secrets is that when I did my research on them I found a ton of shill websites with very badly written fake reviews and the word scam all over them.

There is even a shill site made to look as if the government itself approves of this internet marketing business.

These things tell me that this millionaire marketer has spent a lot of money to scrub his business’s online reputation.

As there are so few out there that had anything negative to say about it, in fact, almost none.

This is how one can control the information people will find when looking to see if a company is ok to be in business with.

There are other deceptive tactics used in Dot Com Secrets, such as the owner calling his system an overnight success maker and saying you don’t need traffic.

There are no such things, or everybody would be doing it.

Truth be told, there really are no internet secrets to making money, but they hope you fall for it anyway.

He also tells you he’s so rich he doesn’t need your money, but he wants you to pay $97 to sign up, and pay that amount monthly.

This has to be how he is making all those riches, but it’s highly likely that you will not.

The only thing Dot Com Secrets is selling is information, and it’s information you can pretty much find anywhere if you really look for it.

If you have had the chance to read my other reviews on this site you will see I consistently tell you to read the disclaimers at the bottom of any online marketing system’ websites.

This time is no different.

You will see that everything Brunson claims on the Dot Com Secrets pages is refuted there.

In fact, he even says this is not a business opportunity.

In fact, the main thing that Dot Com Secrets really pushes is a shady MLM business and products, and we already have a not so glowing review elsewhere here on our ScamXposer site.

So I will say that even though this may not be a scam, don’t get involved with it since even their disclaimers also tell you not to.

I don’t recommend DotComSecrets by any long shot.

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