Articles found for:
"professional sales floor"


Cash Flow 101 System

Cash Flow 101 System Review The Cash Flow 101 System income opportunity is from Member Builders and is found at So is this legitimate or just another scam with tons of complaints? The income statements, cash, or checks you saw in the videos are definitely not typical of what members see after they join.   Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   Cash Flow 101 System is nothing more than a way over-priced pay-to-play money game …



Shaklee MLM Review The home-based income opportunity is from Roger Barnett. They are a health and beauty aids company that uses multi-level marketing as its model for distribution, sales, and promotions. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales company or a pyramid scheme. As we always say MLM is seldom recommended here, and the Shaklee MLM business is no exception. That being said, Shaklee does have decent products and has been …



Arbonne MLM Review by Kay Napier is a Swiss company offering botanical skincare and weight loss products. They are marketed through an MLM – multi-level marketing compensation business model. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales business or a scam pyramid scheme. Although the items from the MLM are of a high-priced boutique nature and hypo-allergenic, they are not tested on animals. Arbonne representatives are encouraged to acquire more distributors than …



Herbalife MLM Review The home-based income opportunity is from Mark R. Hughes. It is more specifically a Multi-Level Network Marketing Company that specializes in retailing various health and wellness products. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales company or just a pyramid scheme of a scam.   Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   Herbalife has been very successful over the years generating over three billion dollars in sales. …


Creative Memories

Creative Memories MLM Review Creative Memories is from Rhonda Anderson and Cheryl Lightle and is found online at CreativeMemories is a multi-level marketing / MLM company that deals in selling scrap-booking supplies. As well as getting members to recruit other people to distribute and recruit others into the Multi-Level Marketing business.   Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   While it would be rare for us to ever recommend getting involved in MLM to anyone, this would …



LegalShield Review The Multi-Level Marketing business was founded by Harland Stonecipher and is formally known as Prepaid Legal Services. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales MLM home business income opportunity or just a pyramid scheme. Those of you that read our reviews regularly know our view on multi-level marketing / MLM businesses. Yup, we’re not a big fan of them. Legal Shield sells legal aid packages as its core products. …



Youngevity MLM Review is from Steve Wallach and is an MLM or multi-level marketing business income opportunity. Is this a legitimate direct sales MLM or yet another pyramid scheme out of compliance? It uses the distribution of nutritional products as its way of avoiding being labeled as a pyramid scheme. Having researched and reported on many MLMs, both scam and legit I look at certain factors to determine whether it is a real opportunity or not. One of the …


Success Story Team

Success Story Team Review If you’ve been struggling to make a substantial passive income online or any income at all, this Success Story Team review will be the most important thing you’ve read since you started your journey. I will be pointing out the #1 reason why people fail to make money with leveraged programs and it’s not what you think. What I’m talking about has to do with the exact reasons why up to 90% of your leads, prospects, …


Savings Highway Global

Savings Highway Global Review The Savings Highway Global business was created by Steve Gresham and is found at It’s a multi-level marketing (otherwise known as MLM) direct sales company. Savings Highway Global partners with many diverse companies to create volume savings, discounts, and bonuses for a variety of services like legal, health, food, and travel. As well as shopping, dining, entertainment, television, phone, internet, car and home insurance, domain names, groceries, and your taxes.     On the consumer …


Freedom At Home Team

Freedom At Home Team Review Freedom At Home Team is from an MLM called AmeriPlan and is found at In this review, we aim to find out if FAHT are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just another garden variety pyramid scheme. Those of you that read our reviews know our view of MLM schemes, I mean, home business opportunities. Yup, you guessed it, we’re not a big fan of them. FAHT provides work at home …
