Articles found for:
"mobile app"
MobileXpressionMobileXpression Review is an online mobile market research panel created to collect consumer usage and opinions about mobile internet apps and websites. This information is gathered for companies that use the research for adjusting and improving marketing plans that target people who use mobile phones. Eligibility includes being 18 years old and up. Here’s what Recommends Instead… Click Here Now And you must own a qualified mobile smartphone from a participating mobile phone carrier that accepts … |
My Fun LifeMy Fun Life MLM Review The MLM My Fun Life is from Dan Edwards and is found online at In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just a pyramid scheme. Those of you that read our reviews know our view of MLM schemes, I mean, businesses. Yup, we’re not a big fan of them. It’s a multi-level marketing (MLM) business. It uses the Travelocity booking system … |
Product Report CardProduct Report Card Review Product Report Card by SoftLayer Technologies Inc. is located in Denver, CO., and is found online at the website. They are a product testing and evaluation service that offers consumer participation through product testing and trial offers. In this review, we aim to find out if they are legitimate or a scam full of complaints. This website operates as a medium for consumers to be able to interact with the core company. ProductReportCard reviews products … |
About UsHi! My name is David Harris, I’m the owner of ScamXposer. I’ve been in internet marketing since 1999, over 24 years now. Just like you, through trial and error, I’ve had my fair share of lost money ‘scams’ and broken promises. It seemed like one after another! All I’ve ever wanted was a fighting chance at making money online so I could spend more time with my two young kids instead of having to battle the daily rush hour traffic. … |
iSecretShopiSecretShop Review is from Prism Intelligence and are a company app that is only available for the iPhone. You have to be careful using them because there are scams out there with their name on them. More details to follow on that in a moment. Let me explain a few things briefly… First, iSecretShop does have a disclaimer warning people about a fraud alert on a scam using their name. Mystery shopping is a service used by unbiased market … |
Author - David HarrisDavid Harris is the founder of where he is an expert authority writer/author regarding various online businesses such as internet marketing, affiliate marketing, MLM, and big-ticket digital products, among many other online income opportunities and tools. He has over 25 years of internet marketing experience and he also advises multiple corporations in regards to their internet marketing efforts. Just like you, through trial and error, he’s had his fair share of lost money through scams and broken promises. It … |