Articles found for:
"affilliate marketing scam"


Make Money With Meghan

Make Money With Meghan Review Make Money With Meghan by Meghan Thompson, Tim Atkinson, and Zak Mefta, found at is a terrible affiliate marketing training system for newcomers. It’s a heavily recycled program. But it’s a step by step program with a website, domain name, and hosting for about $100 to start with and monthly fees. The fees on “Make Money With Meghan” include a prefab website everybody else that buys this system uses. Many that you’ll be directly …


Stopping Scams by Ian Pribyl

Stopping Scams by Ian Pribyl a Scam? “Stopping Scams by Ian Pribyl” is found at, and has already been submitted for review. If you would like to see a review of “Stopping Scams by Ian Pribyl”, simply add your vote on it using the following link: Add Vote for “Stopping Scams by Ian Pribyl“. Then click on the “Vote For Review” button. When enough votes have been accumulated, we will start the business research process and get a review …


Prosperity Marketing System

Prosperity Marketing System a Scam or Legitimate? Complaints? The Internet income opportunity “Prosperity Marketing System” from Darren Olander found at has already been submitted for review. [ ScamXposer’s Top Recommended Business ]Click Here For Details The review for this business is in Pending status, however… What we know now: Although we have not had a chance to fully review the Prosperity Marketing System, here’s a brief summary… Prosperity Marketing System is a downline building program that allows the owner …


Donald Trump Work From Home

Donald Trump Work From Home Review The Donald Trump Work From Home is found at and other revolving links. It’s a link posting scam that uses Donald Trump’s images and quotes without his authorization. As if things aren’t bad enough in this political climate, the scammers that run internet marketing scams are now using one of the most polarizing presidential candidates as their mouthpiece.   Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   This is not the first …


Top 3 Work At Home Jobs

Top 3 Work At Home Jobs Reviewed Review The offer “Top 3 Work At Home Jobs Reviewed” and “Top Jobs Reviewed” are both from fictitiously named “Sarah Johnson” and is found at It is actually a fake news review site for 3 of the worst link-posting fake jobs run by scammers. All 3 lead you to the exact same scam, just with different images, layouts, and names that constantly change at a dizzying pace.   Here’s what Recommends …


Survey Compare

Survey Compare Review Survey Compare found at is a get paid to take survey site based out of London, UK. They are also available is the US and several other countries. The parent company is Marketing VF Ltd. which offers the survey site’s services worldwide. This paid survey company offers you cash to participate in surveys they conduct.   Here’s what Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   These are on behalf of marketing research companies looking for consumer …


Text Cash Network

Text Cash Network Review Text Cash Network is from Dalton Johnson, Phil Piccolo, Brent Hudson, and Jane Johnson and is found at It’s a paid-to-text advertising / multi-level marketing type of income opportunity system.   Here’s what Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   This is indeed a scam and is so horrendous there is even a Facebook scam alert group page filled with people who got scammed by them. You would think a business model like text advertising …


Market Secrets

Market Secrets Review Market Secrets by Mary Stevens and found at is another one of many ad link posting scams that use the fabricated news journal they call Weekly Jobs Report. MS is fake, as well as the jobs report they claim on their title.   Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now   There are no jobs to be found here, only those who work to drain you of your money. In fact, the fictional ‘work from …


Tai Lopez

Tai Lopez Offer Tai Lopez is found at and is an internet marketing system from a man with a very dubious reputation. Taking advice from someone who obsesses over Lamborghini cars may be a foolish path to take. But taking it from someone who really does not offer anything but borrowed quotes is even more. It’s highly likely that you’ve seen all the Tai Lopez on YouTube before your video comes up. He laughingly calls his act Lamborghini marketing, …


Global Online Franchise

Global Online Franchise Scam Review Global Online Franchise found at is supposedly created by Alec and Karl Herring. But all the evidence points towards the infamous Paul Birdsall having a big hand in it. It is supposedly a Cost Per Action, or CPA, website. And what that entails is getting involved in taking trials, offers, and anything listed on their list of actions. Now, what this really means is that GlobalOnlineFranchise takes a cut from all their third-party clients …
