Articles found for:
"Site Sell"
Freedom With WritingFreedom With Writing Review Freedom With Writing by Jacob Jans is found at, they are a writers’ ezine, or internet electronic magazine publication. FWW connects freelance writers to companies in need of written content services. is a little bit of a letdown in that they send you links to job sites that try to get journalists to write for free in hopes that you can eventually make money. Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here … |
Earn Part Time JobsEarn Part Time Jobs Review Earn Part Time Jobs is found at and is one of the many affiliate marketing scam websites. This ripoff website appears to have a more authentic look to its website design than your average scam. But don’t be fooled by this earn part time company. Here’s what Recommends Instead… Click Here Now Their scam initially involves getting as much of your personal information as possible. Which in turn Earn Part Time … |
Home IncomeHome Income Review By David Harris Home Income, also known as Home Income Direct by Michelle Johnson is found at It’s a newly named version of the clone “work from home” scams, casting its crooked shadow on the internet highway. This scam is also linked from a fake news page with the title “Angela Bussio’s Home Income Direct”. The fake news page has several different page names and web link URLs. Home Income is full of exaggerated claims. HomeIncome … |
Two Dollar ClickTwo Dollar Click Review The Two Dollar Click opportunity by Jordan Welsh is found at and is a PTC (Paid to Click) scam site. It has such a bad reputation that we’re just going to get straight to it here. Just on an initial search for any TwoDollarClick press, I found thousands of complaints without having to look very hard. That does not bode well for them starting out. To a certain degree, just about every single person had … |
ClickFairClickFair Review is from 99 Ventures LTD, is a Paid To Click (PTC) ad website. So, what is this all about and do they have a long list of complaints? We’ll get to that and more in this review. They will pay you to view their advertiser’s/publishers’ websites. Granted, the payout is very small and not anywhere near enough to make it a side job, but it can make you a little extra every month. You can also get … |
Six Figure MentorsSix Figure Mentors Review The Six Figure Mentors is offered by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek is found at It’s an internet marketing system based on mentoring training that is loaded with many flaws. The signup fee is $297 to join with a $97 monthly fee. But as soon as you do, Six Figure Mentors tries to get you to pay for really pricey upsells that can go as high as $10,000 dollars. It’s an awful lot of investment … |
Digital Experts AcademyDigital Experts Academy Review Digital Experts Academy by Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross is found at It’s an internet marketing system training course from the team that created Six Figure Mentors. There are so many marketing courses going around calling themselves Academies that the term has pretty much lost all meaning. Especially multiple scam sites we have come across and reviewed. And although this stands out from the rest, it is very cost-prohibitive, to say the least. Here’s … |
Make Money With MeghanMake Money With Meghan Review Make Money With Meghan by Meghan Thompson, Tim Atkinson, and Zak Mefta, found at is a terrible affiliate marketing training system for newcomers. It’s a heavily recycled program. But it’s a step by step program with a website, domain name, and hosting for about $100 to start with and monthly fees. The fees on “Make Money With Meghan” include a prefab website everybody else that buys this system uses. Many that you’ll be directly … |
PaidViewpointPaidViewpoint Review is from Umongous Inc., David Handel, & Lev Mazin and is a market research company. Paid ViewPoint offers paid surveys and panel studies by invitation only to its members. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate paid survey source or just another GPT scam. PaidViewPoint is a part of the company that runs Instant Cash Sweepstakes which has had positive online comments. Paid Viewpoint does have some good qualities to offer … |
Ad ExpertsAd Experts Review Ad Experts found at is a business that runs on several formats including multi-level marketing. In this review, we aim to find out if they are a legitimate direct sales home business income opportunity or just another pyramid scheme. Here’s What Recommends Instead… Click Here Now Those of you that read our reviews know our view of MLM schemes, I mean, businesses. Yup, we’re not a big fan of them. This MLM includes … |